European Balancing Markets

Our trading specialists carry out a periodic analysis of the European electricity market for the utilities we accompany as technology partner. Now, you can have access to one of the most recent and relevant studies.


Last December, a workshop organized by ENTSO-E –European association for the cooperation of TSOs– was held to present the current situation of the different European balancing platforms, as well as the expectations regarding their developments. IGCC, PICASSO, MARI and TERRE were presented and analyzed, highlighting the impact of their implementation and future projections.


Maintaining the balance between generation and consumption at all times is the basis of any electrical system’s safety and the cornerstone in the operation of electricity transmission systems.

The liberalization of national electrical markets in Europe started in 1998 with the development of a European domestic market for scheduled power, and it was achieved in 2018. However, in general, balancing markets have remained a process for national markets. The entry into force of the EB (Electricity Balancing) in 2017 was the starting point for the creation of a European balancing energy market.

The EBGL (Electricity Balancing Guideline) establishes the implementation and use of the following European platforms for the exchange of balancing energies:

1. IGCC (International Grid Control Cooperation) is the platform for the imbalance netting process (IN o Imbalance Netting) which incorporates the netting of the needs of secondary control power between systems as a step prior to the activation of secondary control power in each system.

2. PICASSO (Platform for the International Coordination of Automated Frequency Restoration and Stable System Operation) is the platform in charge of the balancing energy exchange corresponding to aFRR (automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves) between… [Click on the banner below to read more]

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