Beltrán Calvo (CEO) scooped up the award for the SME category for Isotrol. The company was born as one of the first spin-offs of the University of Seville and maintains a close relationship with it ever since.
Source: Consejo Social – Universidad de Sevilla
Created by the Social Council of the University of Seville, the Awards for Business Patronage suppose a public acknowledgement to Spanish companies linked to the university through some of the diverse forms of collaboration.
The President of the Social Council, Concha Yoldi, and the Rector of the University of Seville, Miguel Ángel Castro, presided over the award day. Due to the state of alarm situation of last year originated by COVID-19, in this edition business acknowledgements of both IV and V edition were given.
Inerco (“large company category”) and Oleopalma (“SME category”) were the winner companies in the IV edition because of their commitment and business development in the local sector. In the present course, corresponding to the V edition, a new category has been introduced, exalting the need of rewarding the business growth and multinational effect. The award-winnings have been Endesa (“multinational category”), Emasesa (“large company category”) and Isotrol (“SME category”).
The awards, which are presented annually except for 2020, are honorary and within a University of Seville Social Council Action Plan framework.
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